Frau Claudia's Music


Sunday, August 26, 2018

All about Me Unit 1 Week1

Welcome to Kindergarten

We had a great time meeting lots of you on Friday, 
at our "Einschulungsfeier."
The kids seemed to love Frau Claudia and enjoy seeing the classrooms and meeting their teachers!
Thank you for taking the time to come in and see us.
 I look forward to a great first day of school!  
Remember school starts at 8.10 and you will find me in front of line 18, holding a sign that says "KD" on the lower blacktop.  Dismissal will also be at the same location- I will bring the kids back down at 2.25 to meet you.
 Parents may walk us up on Tuesday but will stay outside to say goodbye....

Don't forget that Wednesday is a minimum day with dismissal
at 12 NOON

Here is a great AEA uniform policy guide: click here


If you are in need of a TB test to volunteer on campus here is a resource: 
Dr. Zandviet (South Park doctor) will give AEA staff and families a discount,  call to make an appointment let her know you are from AEA for a $10 TB Test
Dr. Zandvliet
2991 Kalmia St.
San Diego, CA 92104
Phone:(619) 929-0032
Wednesday, August 29
i.RUN Starts Before school, 7:50-8:10am, students may run laps around the lower playground, collecting Popsicle sticks to keep track of how many laps they have run.  These sticks will be recorded each day in the classroom; every 100 sticks earns a running foot! The running feet are collected and put onto a necklace that the kids wear and display their earnings!!!
We love it when the kids get excited about helps them focus more when we start our day and is soooo good for their hearts!
**check out more info on PE website**

Here is a note from Coach Nassif:
Please consider volunteering for our morning running club! 

Running starts at 7:48 and ends at 8:08 every morning. We need two volunteers to hand out sticks to Kinder-2nd grade and two volunteers to scan cards for 3rd-5th grade.  

This program doesn't exist without parent volunteers!

If you would like to volunteer PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM  or email me at
A note from our Education specialist:

AEA's philosophy is to include children of all abilities in our classrooms.  We believe that all children have something to learn from each other and that inclusive classrooms foster tolerance, acceptance, and personal growth for all students.  Your student may have classmates in his/her class or on the playground who look or behave in unexpected ways, who receive additional support from adults, or who use special equipment or technology.  You can support our mission of inclusion by modeling acceptance and understanding of others who may initially appear to be different from us, and by having open and honest conversations about the ways in which we are all different, but still very much the same.  While we are never able to discuss specific students with anyone other than their own family, we will be having general conversations at school about how to be friends with others who look or act in unexpected ways in order to reduce uncertainty and anxiety about the unknown that most of us feel in novel situations. Thank you for your support! 

 Mon 9/3 Labor Day NO SCHOOL
9/11 4.30 Board of Trustees meeting (@middle school)

Thurs 9/20  5.00-7.00pm Back to School Night
9/27 6-7.30 Supporting your beginning reader
Please make sure all your child's clothing/belongings are labeled with their first and last name + KD (especially sweaters and jackets)! They will be misplaced and you will be very happy that you labeled them!!
Please let us know (write a note in your child's planner) 
if you stay in your car when picking up your child after school and if you need us to we will send home a sign for your car to make for an easier pick up after school!

menus will be coming home on Mondays.  If you prefer it in Spanish and we send you English home, please write us a note in the planner :-)

This unit we are learning all about who we are; 
Weeks 1/2 what we look like, what our favorite things are what we don't like, 
Weeks 3/4 what we can do and still need to learn
 Weeks 5/6 and explore some of our responsibilities as kids and students.

Word of the weekIch (I)
Question of the week:
Ask your child: What is something they like.  Ich mag… pronunciation: Ich (EE-ch)     mag (m-ah-g)..... I like.....

We will be learning basic classroom vocabulary, colors, classroom items, and other basic vocabulary.
You can access resources here:

In the first few weeks at school we will focus on how to write our name, (with help on letter formation) and tracing to get used to holding a pencil correctly and get our hands ready to write letters.
*Thumb is bent
*Pointer points to the tip
*Tall man uses his side
*tuck your last 2 fingers in and take them for a ride!
We are going to be concentrating on writing our names!  We will practice holding pencils correctly and forming our letters correctly.  Top to bottom and right to left.  This might seem easy but most kids need a lot of practice and need to break old habits that formed in preschool.....and some kids don't!! With help at home, we can correct and improve grips if need be.
Cannot wait to see where our kids are in the mix!

BUT WAIT!  Before we jump in with letters to form names we will explore all types of lines and use a lot of fine motor activities to get the kids ready for writing. 


Important Links to explore:
Learner Profile: Caring
We show empathy, compassion and respect.  We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and the world around us! 
We are going to be focusing on recognizing when WE are caring or could be more caring.

Don't forget to familiarize yourself with the  
and our  
...going forward...
please keep in mind...
the beginning of the school year is very hard for some kids and this is very natural. They might be exhausted or cranky at night even though they "like" going to school. The kids are already working very hard while they work on follow directions, completing tasks, meeting new friends and following classroom rules. Depending on your child's experience at preschool things might be very different now.
Kindergarten is very intense (remember we're talking about 5 year olds) and with all these changes, even if your child might be used to the classroom setting, even just the new student dynamics that are present in each class can prove to be exhausting!
Just remember...this is a big transition period and if they in a learning phase! We're always tired after we have learned something new and they are learning LOTS right now. They might be tired until Thanksgiving break, or longer or maybe shorter...but please remember this is normal.
The best way to support your child in this exciting part of their kindergarten to remind them of how much they are learning right now and how all their hard work will pay off. How proud you are of them for making good choices and being a good student and friend. This year we will be talking about things such as commitment/follow through, patience and self control. These attributes will serve them well but could tucker our little students out because they are going to be practicing a lot this year!
It is also VERY important that they are getting enough sleep at night- so they can glide through the day. Bringing healthy snacks to school (such as fruits, veggies, cheese and yogurt) is equally important so they feed their body with energy. Please avoid snacks such as sweets and chips- at the beginning of the year the kids will eat everything in their lunchbox at our morning snack break if we don't catch them soon please help us by not packing them at all :-)
 We will address making good food choices this month and your help would be greatly appreciated!
We are so excited to be with our classes and we want only the BEST!
Thanks for all your parental support!
After all, we are now sharing custody!

We would LOVE to have fresh fruit in our classroom for daily snacks.  If you are at the store and would like to donate to our class we love small apples (whole ones), cuties, cheese sticks, 
mini carrots, celery or any other ideas you might have!

Thank you!!!  
Have a great first week at AEA!!!

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