Frau Claudia's Music


Sunday, October 28, 2018

How We Organize Ourselves Unit 2 Week 4

October 29-November October 2, 2018

Welcome back to German week! 
   We are now in week 4 of our second Unit 
    "How we Organize Ourselves" 

PLEASE CLICK HERE and write your child's name on a conference slot. Gray slots are unavailable times. We look forward to speaking with you about where your child currently is and goals for the end of the year! 

Dear Parents!
Every year, I do a very messy pumpkin lesson with the kindergartners.  It's a fun lesson where students continue to develop their fine motor skills, counting skills, organizational exploration skills. In order for this to happen, I need your help.
I'm looking for WHOLE UNCUT pumpkins; baby bear size (a little bigger than a soft ball) all the way up to giant ones! I'd need 5-6 per class, so I'm looking for a total of 30-40 pumpkins. Color and shape does not matter.
If you would like to donate up until November 9th, please bring your pumpkins to the outdoor classroom where we hold class and leave them by the whiteboard, or drop them off to your child's regular classroom and I'll pick them up.

Thanks ahead of time for your contribution! 


How can you help AEA help your kids?

This is the EASIEST way for us to earn money for our school...will you help us?
Fall Fundraiser
Tuesday October 31st is the last day of the fundraising campaign-remember that this fundraiser is what supports our specials like Music, Art, gardening, science and  more.
Tuesday, November 6th is the final day for sales online.

Please remember that there will be many fundraising opportunities....
we hope that you will take part in the ones that speak to you and leave the others with little judegment.
The way that you can ALWAYS help our school is by making a monthly pledge of $30/month.
That is just a dollar a day....
if everyone did this then we would not need to "fund-raise" in this traditional sense to provide the extras that AEA offers our kids.

KC/KD Playdate contact list- click here ________________________________
is being Cooperative

Calendars can be turned in by Wednesday Oct. 31st 
Upcoming Events:


This week: 

Monday- Welcome back to German Week!

Tuesday-  PE, wear comfy shoes!
 Musik with Frau Claudia

Wednesday- Gardening with Ms Shana
Cooperative calendars due and LUNCH BUNCH
Please no candy or costumes!!!!

Thursday- Our busy day & Musik with Frau Claudia

Friday- Library (remember your books!)
Writing buddies 

Saturday- Lantern festival 4-7pm


We will work on representing and comparing numbers 1-10

We will continue to write short sentences 
Heute ist Montag,
Today is Monday....learning to start with a capital use two finger spaces and to always remember a period at the end. 
Our names are still on our list of things to continue to improve on.

This week we will continue our ABC der Tiere rap 
and learning the sounds of the German alphabet.  

We will start "reading" our ABC der Tiere Fibel 
which will introduce the kids to syllables....
from this we will learn to read.
The text can be found here.  


We will continue our handwriting curriculum,  
Handwriting Without Tears.  
This week we will focus on 
starting corner capitals...

·   __________________________________________

Unit of Inquiry
How We Organize Ourselves!  


Weeks 1/2 we will start our "Haus" and we will talk about what rooms are in our house, what we use them for and why we have different rooms.

Weeks 3/4 We will talk about what rooms are usually upstairs and downstairs in a house.  We will talk about living room (Wohnzimmer) and kitchen (Kueche).  We will discuss the purpose of each and what furniture belongs in each room.

Weeks 5/6 Students will discuss the bathroom (Badezimmer) and bedroom (Schlafzimmer) what their purpose is and the items in each room.


Word of the week:
Weeks 1/2 das Haus (how-s) the house

Weeks 3/4 die Schule (shoe-leh) the school

Weeks 5/6 die Ordnung (ordt-nungk) order/organization

Question of the week:
Weeks 1/2 What are all the different rooms in our house?  What do you do in each room?

Weeks 3/4 Why do we have so many different rooms in our house?  Why is it important to have different rooms?

Weeks 5/6 Name a system at home that helps us stay organized.  (i.e. closet for towels, forks in the drawer etc...)

 If you want to practice more German (click here) 


IB Learner Profile:

Thinker & Cooperation
Our attribute for this unit is thinkerWe are thinkers when we make good decisions and solve problems on our own. 

Our attitude for this unit is cooperation. 
We show cooperation when we work well with others, and maintain positive communication to work at a team to accomplish a task. 

*You received a "cooperative" calendar that can supplement this at home! This reinforces what we are doing at school very nicely!!!
Please remember to label your child's belongings! 
Classroom Wish list:

Thank you for all the snacks, we could use some more cuties, apples and cheese sticks. 


Wishing you a wonderful week!

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