Frau Claudia's Music


Sunday, April 14, 2019

How We Express Ourselves Unit 5 Week 4

April 15- April 19th, 2019

Welcome back to German week!
This is our Fourth week of our fifth Unit 
"How we Express ourselves"
"Non-verbal communication allows us to send messages to others without saying a word."
Info to Share:
Huge thanks to all that donated to our WALK FOR WATER effort!
Together we can make a difference!
Rachel's house downtown was thrilled to accept our water donation to their homeless shelter.
Thank you to all that were able to participate.


There is still a chance for you to get a night at school for your child, a memory to last a lifetime!
Originally offered only at the Gala, we would like to extend this experience out to all our students....

On June 7, 2019,
 parents have the opportunity for an afternoon into the evening, OFF.  Take some time for yourself or get a group together to have a night out on the town while we will entertain the little ones at school.  

Yes, that means you do not have to pick up your child after school.  We will keep all the kiddos for a night of fun!


All 6 teachers are part of this extravaganza.... 
what a BONUS that is!!!!! 
Special guests will be Ms Nancy and Frau Hana!!

....we will start off with 6 rotations of pure fun including all the things you want to do at school but are not allowed to, including making "make and takes!" 

Then we will take a dinner break to eat a pizza together before we run around and explore what the school is like when no one is there! This exploration time will be followed by MOVIE NIGHT- WHAT?! wait what?   

OH And a trip to the purple playground to play when the movie is then OLD news...
PJ's and a toothbrush are all the kids need but can also bring a stuffed animal if they'd like to!
We will have them ready for bed by the time you get back for pick up at 7.30!
This is a 5 hour outing!!!
And all the money goes RIGHT BACK TO YOUR supports Art class with Mrs Heinzelmann, Gardening with Ms Shana, PE with Coach Tickel, Science with Ms Garrett and Music with Frau Claudia!!!   ....and so much more!

We hope your child will be able to join us as we create memories that will last a lifetime.....
and with only 10 more weeks left in kindergarten....this is a great way to end our year together!

Please email us if you are interested and we can give you more details....




We will be visiting the Timken Museum to go on a guided tour and observe art.  We have been learning about to use art to express ourselves through color, pictures and design.

CHECK THE PLANNER Monday, for the field trip lunch label... to see  if you ordered a school lunch (a few weeks back). If you do NOT see a label, please pack a lunch SACK/BROWN BAG for your child 

Please talk to your child about:
*Staying with the group
*Practicing top listening skills
*Keeping their hands to themselves.

A) Parents, Please sign up to come in and talk to KC/KD about a way that you know how to communicate without words! Dance, music, sign language, etc. SIGN UP HERE ON PAGE 10-11

B) K-2 Parent Volunteer needed for Morning Running Club on TUESDAY & THURSDAY mornings We need a volunteer to hand out running sticks to K-2nd graders every Tuesday or Thursday mornings.
Please fill out this VOLUNTEER FORM 

if interested.
K-2 Running Club Video
5th Grade Exhibition Mentors Needed!
We are in need of mentors for 5th-grade Exhibition! Mentors can be anyone from our AEA community, parents, grandparents, community leaders, etc.... No need to speak German. No need to be an IB expert.  Additionally, if you are the parent of a child in grades K-6, the mentor experience will provide you great insight into what lies ahead for your child during their 5th-grade year. 
Click this link for more information: 
5th Grade Exhibition Mentors


2nd Grade Community Service Project - Items Needed!!

This year 2nd grade will be making toys for animals who are living at the San Diego Humane Society for their Community Service Project. In order to make this a success, we need your help in collecting supplies. You can find a list of items on the link below. We have set up a box in the Up-cycle area where you can drop off these donations.

We are continuing this project through the remainder of the school year so send supplies in until you hear from us!
If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the following second grade teachers:


Outer jackets MUST be blue!! 

Long sleeve shirts under polos must be red or white.

winter jackets can be non-uniform.
This means a blue sweatshirt or sweater is NEEDED for your child to wear on the colder days.... 

We are interested in hearing about the connections your child is making to his/her learning.... A unit 4 reflection sheet went home before spring break, please fill it out and send it back this week as your child reflects on our Weather unit.


Our Monthly 
are optional, we find skills such as goal setting and delaying gratification extremely helpful and since we cannot spend more time on this in school. The challenges were created as an optional supplemental activity that most students enjoy. 

This month we will work on being considerate and showing empathy.
I am considerate of others.  
I think about how other people feel.  I show kindness to other people.

I am empathetic.  I understand other people’s feelings.

Monday- Writing /Math Centers 

Tuesday - Music with Frau Claudia 
Wednesday - Gardening with Ms Shana

"IB Continuum" Parent University, held at our middle school campus, on April 17th from 6-7:30 pm.
Thursday -
Science & Music with Frau Claudia & PE

Friday -TIMKEN FIELD TRIP from 9-12
BIG Thanks to our Chaperones!

Remember your library books 
and a toy for our hour of unstructured play for when we get back from Balboa Park....where the kids get to make good decisions!
click here to find more information

*Sharing is done on Fridays (German week only). Your child can pick something to share, put it in a bag and have 3 clues for us to guess what it is. We will help them say it in German :-)

Coming up:

Save the Date! 
IB Continuum Parent University: 
April 17th, 6:00-7:30pm  
Please come to our "IB Continuum" Parent University, held at our middle school campus, on April 17th from 6-7:30 pm. We will share the significance of an  International Baccalaureate education, explain how the PYP, MYP, and DP programs are connected, as well as discuss the unique qualities specific to each program. Nirit Cohen-Vardi, the IB DP Coordinator at San Diego High International Studies, will be joining us to share her expertise about the Diploma Program.  All parents, K-8 are welcome! Childcare will be provided, as will pizza. Sign-up information forthcoming.

4/19- KC goes to Balboa Park and the Timken Museum with Frau Holt
4/21 - I Love A Clean San Diego's 16th Annual Creek to Bay Cleanup, 9:00-12:00


Parent University: 
Child Nutrition on April 30, 6:30-7:30pm
Parents and Guardians of children grades K-8th are invited to learn about the newest health and
nutrition recommendations. Ms. Paola Perez Bertrand, Director of the program Hunger Free Kids
from the San Diego Hunger Coalition, will share information regarding the striking impact that food
choices make on your child's health and development. The presentation will also include a brief lesson
on how to read food nutrition labels and how to make budget-conscious decisions about the way we
shop for our groceries.
Where: Middle School MPR (458 26th Street, San Diego 92102)
Time: 6:30-7:30 pm
*Spanish translation provided.

 This is your WEEKLY reminder to check your child's jackets and sweaters for NAME labels,
 Water bottles and Tupperware as well!

Unit 5 Weeks 3/4 of our new Unit of Inquiry:
How We Express Ourselves.  
We will start off with exploring the different ways that we can communicate without using our voices!
we will look at non-verbal communication, what it means to communicate, and why people communicate without words.

 Our inquiries at a glance:
Weeks 1/2 We will talk about the different emotions and how we can recognize them.  We will talk about different ways we communicate non-verbally. 

Weeks 3/4 WE will look at how we recognize body language and emotion in others.

Weeks 5/6 We will rotate with other kinder classes to experience different types of non-verbal communication, ie. music, art, etc...

German word of the week:
Week 1/2 glücklich (glue-k-lee-ch) happy; traurig (trow-rig) sad

    Week 3/4 risikoberiet (ree-zee-koh-bear-ite) risk taker

        Week 5/6 ich spreche (ich sh-preh-cheh) I speak
Handwriting without Tears
We will practice writing questions and answers, rhyming words and poems. 
We will continue to practice the vowels,



Learner Profile:   


Our kids would love love love some fresh fruit

Wishing everyone a wonderfully sunny week!!!

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