Frau Claudia's Music


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Times long Ago Unit 3 week 3

December 10-14th, 2018

Welcome back to German week!   
This is week 3 of Unit 3: 
Where We Are in Place and Time
Our Central idea:
Living, learning and playing has changed over time for children. 
  Info to Share:
On Friday last week, we learned about winter holidays such as Hanukkah, and each student was lucky enough to get a Dreidel! See directions below to play!


Click here to see Nikolaus 
and our kids performing for him!

Times Long Ago
for our new IB unit we would love to have grandparents come in and talk about what life was like when they were in Kindergarten! 
scroll down to find the Times long ago unit and pick a day!  
We cannot wait to meet your family and hear their stories!!

Safe Passage Craft Sale, Wednesday, December 12th, 
inside front gate from 12-1pm
The 5th Grade IB Ambassadors are hosting a craft Sale on Wednesday, to raise much-needed funds for our December payment to Safe Passage, due before winter break.  This will be the tenth year in which our school community has raised the funds needed to provide an education for two Guatemalan students.
How can YOU help?  Stop by our craft sale Wednesday or directly donate money. 

This month's sharing and giving challenge is perfect for the hard over the next weeks and we will look forward to our lunch bunch that will take place the week we get back from break.


AEA gets 8% of your purchase!!


Weekly Events:
   Math centers 12-1

PE & Music with Frau Claudia 

Art with Mrs Heinzelmann- we need volunteers!!!

Holiday centers 9.30-10.30 and cookie decorating 1-1.30
 and Music with Frau Claudia

Library (bring books to return!)

Coming Up:

Wednesday 12/12- AEA Board of Trustees Meeting @ 4:40pm in MPR

 Thursday December 13th- Winter craft rotations

Sunday 12/16- German Holiday Concert with AEA Kinderchoir @ 3:00pm, Christ United Presbyterian Church 3025 Fir St., San Diego, CA 92102

Monday, December 17th- Sunday, January 6th
Winter Break
*Please make sure all your child's clothing is labeled with their first and last name (especially sweaters and jackets)!

*Click here to explore our Kindergarten website for resources!
  Where We Are in Place and Time 
In Unit 3 we will look at how life for students today is different from how it was in the past.  We will explore the ways it has changed and how it has stayed the same.

Weeks 1/2 We will talk about how homes have changed over time.  Students in groups will create 4 different homes from different times.  They will also make a timeline showing how the homes changed.

Weeks 3/4 We will explore how clothing for students has changed from the past and compare it to clothing from today. 

Click here to see our History in a trunk assembly!
Weeks 5/6  Students will do rotations with other classes to explore different activities from the past, i.e. games, making butter, paper dolls, etc...) and discuss their connection to today.

This unit, we are practicing how to think about things that have already happened. Events and our own behavior that we are either proud of or that we want to change the next time.

Our focus attitude is:
This week we will continue with chapter 5
and focus on addition
Word of the week:
Week 1/2 - Heute (hoy-tuh) - today (modern times)

Week 3/4 damals (dah-malhlz) - long ago

Week 5/6 spielen (shpee-len) - playing, games

Question of the week
Week 1/2:  Ask your child: What were homes like long ago?  What is different from homes today?  What is the same?

Weeks 3/4:  Ask your child: What were clothes like long ago?  What did kids wear?  Is anything different or the same as what kids wear today?

click here 
to see our Times long ago assembly photos!

Weeks 5/6 Ask your child: What games did kids play long ago?  How are they the same as games we play today?


Songs of the week: 
(you can listen to them at the top of my blog page)
 *Ich bin da
 *Lasst uns froh und munter sein (will learn this week)
*Bruederlein komm tanz mit mir (will learn this week)
*Jede Woche hat 7 Tage

We will start lower case letters
c, o, s



*We need snacks please :-) 
Fresh fruit, cheese sticks, carrots or granola bars are great ideas of what to send in to share with the class

Have a wonderful week!

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