Frau Claudia's Music


Monday, January 21, 2019

Times Long Ago Unit 3 Week 6

January 21-25, 2019

Welcome back to German week! 
This is week 6 of Unit 3: 
Where We Are in Place and Time
Our Central idea:
Living, learning and playing has changed over time for children. 



2019 Parent Feedback Survey

We only have feedback from ONE family, Would you please take a moment to share your thought with us right now?
click here We hope you continue to add comments/ feedback whenever you might have a good idea on how we can do our jobs better!

Yes, no news is good news but if you have any feedback that could help us help parents, we would be grateful to hear it.

many people are affected by the government shutdown. If you are immediately impacted by the shutdown PLEASE  reach out to either me or Frau Holt or the school if you need anything (early drop off, later pick up, etc.)
Live Music Month 

 It’s that time of year again to focus on the gift of music.  Student, parent, and community members are welcome to perform for our lunchtime assemblies on February 1st, 8th, and 14th.  Applications are available here: Live Music Month Application, as well as in the front office. Please turn in applications by Friday, January 18th to the front office.

See what we have been up to!

See our kids playing like long ago with no shoes! 
 Frau Dina and clothes from long ago
 Frau Dina and Chores from long ago

Hexe Lisa Comes for her first visit!

  Frau Holt's Updated classroom wish list 




Story bird has changed their website from last year and we can no longer access the student access portion providing a pass-code

In lieu.. feel free click on the following:

Field trip permission slips should be 
filled out and returned this week.  Please make sure you pay online.

K-2 Parent Volunteer needed 
for Morning Running Club on Thursday mornings
We need a volunteer to hand out running sticks to K-2nd graders every Thursday morning. Please fill out this Volunteer Form if interested.
Visit i.Run website for all the details.K-2 Running Video



It's time for the art room to invest in some new aprons.  
We want to have 60 Japanese/pinafore/mobius style aprons 
(they have multiple names) made. 
Before outsourcing to an Etsy shop, we wanted to see if we can source someone local with the skills to produce a 
quality product similar to the one pictured.

3 sizes, each size a different color, no pockets
20 Smalls (5/6)
30 Mediums (7/8)
10 Large (10/12)

If you know of any craftsperson(s) 
with the necessary skills to produce this 
please send them our way!  Budget and 
materials can be discussed once we meet.

We also need an old duvet cover for hay 
beds in our times long ago unit

We need your help! 

KC & KD Needs Science volunteers:
 Mar 7th, Apr  25, May 23rd @
8:30am when KC/KD is in German
9:30am when KC/KD is in English

  Every Monday/Thursday from 12-1pm for Math Centers
Every Friday from 9.30-10.30 for Language Arts Centers

I promise it is FUN! 

Times Long Ago
During this IB unit we would love to have grandparents come in and talk about what life was like when they were in Kindergarten! 
scroll down to find the Times long ago unit and pick a day!  
We cannot wait to meet your family and hear their stories!!



 Check the planner for the Setting goals!I can set a goal to; help me start something new, keep something up or improve what I can already do.


AEA gets 8% of your purchase!!



PE & Music with Frau Claudia 

Gardening with Ms Shana

Music with Frau Claudia

Library (bring books to return!) &
4th grade buddies come to visit

Coming Up:

*Tuesday 1/29- Parent University: School Saftey @ Location TBD , 6:00-7:30am

*Friday 2/1- Family Dance @ ES, 6:00-8:00pm
Click here for dates to remember

*Please make sure your child's clothing and belongings are labeled with their first and last name (especially sweaters and jackets)!

*Click here to explore our Kindergarten website for resources!
  Where We Are in Place and Time 
In Unit 3 we will look at how life for students today is different from how it was in the past.  We will explore the ways it has changed and how it has stayed the same.

Weeks 1/2  We will talk about how homes have changed over time.  Students in groups will create 4 different homes from different times.  They will also make a timeline showing how the homes changed.

Weeks 3/4 We will explore how clothing for students has changed from the past and compare it to clothing from today. 

Click here to see our History in a trunk assembly!​

Weeks 5/6  Students will do rotations with other classes to explore different activities from the past, i.e. games, making butter, paper dolls, etc...) and discuss their connection to today.
This unit, we are practicing how to think about things that have already happened. Events and our own behavior that we are either proud of or that we want to change the next time.

Our focus attitude is:
This week we will continue with chapter 6
and focus on subtraction
Word of the week:
Week 1/2 - Heute (hoy-tuh) - today (modern times)

Week 3/4 damals (dah-malhlz) - long ago

Week 5/6 spielen (shpee-len) - playing, games

Question of the week
Week 1/2:  Ask your child: What were homes like long ago?  What is different from homes today?  What is the same?

Weeks 3/4:  Ask your child: What were clothes like long ago?  What did kids wear?  Is anything different or the same as what kids wear today?

click here 
to see our Times long ago assembly photos!

Weeks 5/6 Ask your child: What games did kids play long ago?  How are they the same as games we play today?



Songs of the week: 
(you can listen to them at the top of my blog page)
 *Ich bin da
 *Bruederlein komm tanz mit mir 
*Ringel, Ringel, Reihe 
*Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzeman
*Jede Woche hat 7 Tage

We will practice words and sentences as well 
as the letter u.



Please pack TWO/THREE snacks for your child, 
or better yet donate snacks to our class!  

Fresh fruit, cheese sticks, carrots or granola bars are great ideas of what to send in to share with the class


Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

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