Frau Claudia's Music


Sunday, January 27, 2019

How the World Works Unit 4 Week 1

January 28-February 1, 2019

Welcome back to German week!  
This is our FIRST week of our fourth Unit 
"How the world works"
"Weather shapes the way communities live"

Will be sent home in planners this week. Please return them by Friday, February 1st. These forms are extremely important to ensure your child has a spot next school year 2019-2020.

with report cards coming home on Friday, we ask you to please familiarize yourself with grading so the report card is easier for you to understand and you have an idea where your child is and if they are below, where the need to be or excelling.
Literary Spirit Day
Do you want to bring out your inner Cat in the Hat, favorite Roald Dahl character, or fairy tale villain?  On Wednesday, January 30th, students are encouraged to show their AEA spirit by coming to school dressed up as their favorite fictional character from a BOOK
Let the rumpus begin!
This is NOT a free dress day, so students may clearly dress up like a book character or may wear their school uniforms.   No weapon accessories allowed.

Parent University: School Saftey 
Tuesday @ MS , 6:00-7:30pm
In response to parent and staff requests, we are holding a school safety Parent University on January 29th at 6 pm at the AEACMS campus (458 26th Street, San Diego 92102).  The leadership team will share the measures that are already in place to keep our schools safe. Additionally, we will discuss ways we can come together to continue to foster a supportive community, one of the key elements in maintaining safety.  Childcare will be provided as well as live Spanish translation. We will provide pizza for those that attend, so make sure to arrive early. When filling out the RSVP form, please indicate the number of children in need of childcare services. Use the following link to RSVP: School Safety Parent University Sign Up


It’s that time of year again to focus on the gift of music.  Student, parent, and community members are welcome to perform for our lunchtime assemblies on February 1st, 8th, and 14th.  Applications are available here:

Live Music Month Application, as well as in the front office. There are plenty of openings still available for each date.  Please encourage your child to turn in an application to the front office.


2 out of the 6 kindergarten classes have reported cases of Lice. Next week our nurse will check the KC kiddoes yet you can also follow these directions to check your child out at home and the letter below

The common cold is also going around so be sure to wash hands, eat healthy and get rest! 


This is your WEEKLY reminder to label ( NAME- Class) your child's jackets and sweaters!
Outer jackets MUST be blue!! ONLY HEAVY winter jackets can be non-uniform.
This means a blue sweatshirt or sweater is NEEDED for your child to wear on the colder days....

2019 Parent Feedback Survey

We only have feedback from ONE family, Would you please take a moment to share your thought with us right now?
click here We hope you continue to add comments/ feedback whenever you might have a good idea on how we can do our jobs better!

Yes, no news is good news but if you have any feedback that could help us help parents, we would be grateful to hear it.  
many people are affected by the government shutdown. If you are immediately impacted by the shutdown PLEASE  reach out to either me or Frau Holt or the school if you need anything (early drop off, later pick up, etc.)


See what we have been up to!
  Click here to see our History in a trunk assembly!

See our kids playing like long ago with no shoes!

 Frau Holt's Updated classroom wish list 

We need your help! 

KC & KD Needs Science volunteers:
 Mar 7th, Apr  25, May 23rd @
8:30am when KC/KD is in German
9:30am when KC/KD is in English

  Every Monday/Thursday from 12-1pm for Math Centers
Every Friday from 9.30-10.30 for Language Arts Centers

I promise it is FUN! 
I can set a goal to; help me start something new, keep something up or improve what I can already do.

We will celebrate achievements on Feb 6th....look for 
our new February challenge to come home this week!


Writing centers 9.30-10.30 and 
Math centers 11.45-1pm 
We need help with both of these centers!

PE & Music with Frau Claudia 

Art with Mrs Heinzelmann
*Frau Van Doren will be subbing for 
Frau Holt

Music with Frau Claudia 
Math Centers 11.45-1.00 (come help!)

Library (bring books to return!) &
Reading Centers 12.00-1.00 (we need help!)
4th grade buddies come to visit
Super Hero Ball from 6-8pm at Elementary

Friday, February 1st  As will all our events, we depend on your help to make it memorable for our kids.  Students went home with a flyer...hope to see you there!  Tickets can be purchased online at:

Coming Up:

Thursday Feb 7th- Live Music month performance at lunch recess times 11:45- 12:50

 Thursday Feb 14- KD Valentines day centers in German 12.30-1.30

 Thursday Feb 14th-100th day of school
& Live Music month performance at lunch recess times 11:35- 12:50

Friday Feb 15- Mon 18th- NO SCHOOL 
Presidents day weekend

Wednesday Feb 20st- Rock'n-Run-a-thon

....Are you ready to rock...and run?

Unit 4 Week 1 of our new Unit of Inquiry:

Evening Red and Morning Gray.

Two Sure Signs of One Fine Day
(How the world works)

Weather patterns shape the way 

communities live. We will be introduced

 in this unit to: 

Weeks 1/2 different types of weather
We will construct a weather 'house' with different types of weather.  We will identify a German city (Berlin) that we will record the weather for during this unit and compare to San Diego.
Main Vocabulary - der Regen (ray-gen) - rain; die Sonne (zon-eh - sun; der Wind (vint) - wind; der Schnee (shnay) - snow

 Weeks 3/4 look at how weather is measured and
 Weeks 5/6 how humans adapt to weather in different parts of the world.

 German word of the week:

  Weeks 1/2 das Wetter (dahs vet-tah) the weather

Weeks 3/4 messen (mess-en) to measure

Weeks 5/6 die Wetterkarte (dee veh- tair-kart-eh) 
the weather map


This week we will focus on the letters i, e and l


This chapter is all about numbers 11-20
Learner Profile: 
Inquirer - "I have questions."
This unit, we are practicing how to ask questions that will give us more information about something.



We could use fresh fruit, cheese sticks or carrots
Thank you for helping us take such good care of our 
KD family!


       Wishing everyone a great Week!

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