Frau Claudia's Music


Saturday, March 9, 2019

How We Express Ourselves Unit 5 Week 1

March 11- March 15th, 2019

Welcome back to German week!  
This is our FIRST week of our fifth Unit 
"How we Express ourselves"
"Non-verbal communication allows us to send messages to others without saying a word."
Info to Share: 

Frau Holt and I will auction off:
1) Make our own Pizza's and Drive-in Movie night! Make your own pizzas and drive-in movie night with Frau Holt and Ms. E. Nothing better than homemade pizza with your favorite toppings! Kids will go to Frau Holt's house and fill their tummies before they head out to the drive-in to see a movie of their choice! Treats in the "super fast Minivan" are a staple as well as pillows and make a comfy space to enjoy the movie! For up to four students.

2) A night at school ---after hours 2:30- 8:00PM :
On June 7, 2019, parents have the opportunity for an afternoon off.  Take some time for yourself or get a group together to have a night out on the town while we will entertain the little ones at school.
All 6 teachers BONUS!!!!!
....will be there and we will start off with 6 rotations of pure fun including "make and takes!" Then we will take a dinner break to eat a pizza together before we run around and explore what the school is like when no one is there! This exploration time will be followed by MOVIE NIGHT- WHAT?! wait what?   and a trip to the purple playground to play when the movie is then OLD news?...
PJ's and a toothbrush are all the kids need but can also bring a stuffed animal if they'd like to!
We will have them ready for bed by the time you get back for pick up!

We will take as many kids as we can get for your flat fee....and all 6 teachers for a 6 HOUR outing!
This is a special, once in a kinder-lifetime kinda deal if we do say so ourselves!

* VOLUNTEERS~ The Gala Committee has a serious need for volunteers for the fundraising gala on Saturday, March 16.

If you can, please consider volunteering and help the school raise money for all the extracurricular "curricula" our kids get: music, art, P.E.

Here is the message from the Gala Committee.
"We are only two weeks away from our biggest fundraiser! We are still in need of check-in/out help, mobile bidding assistants, and more! It's going to be a great time, please join us!"

LOTS to reflect on 
as we brought our weather unit to an end...
Theaterfest was a big success! (link in your email)

Weather presentations were a HUGE hit on Friday! 

....and our Weatherman visit was one to remember!
5th Grade Exhibition Mentors Needed!
We are in need of mentors for 5th-grade Exhibition! Mentors can be anyone from our AEA community, parents, grandparents, community leaders, etc.... No need to speak German. No need to be an IB expert.  Additionally, if you are the parent of a child in grades K-6, the mentor experience will provide you great insight into what lies ahead for your child during their 5th-grade year. 
Click this link for more information: 5th Grade Exhibition Mentors

2nd Grade Community Service Project - Items Needed!!

This year 2nd grade will be making toys for animals who are living at the San Diego Humane Society for their Community Service Project. In order to maoke this a success, we need your help in collecting supplies. You can find a list of items on the link below. We have set up a box in the Upcycle area where you can drop off these donations.
We are continuing this project through the remainder of the school year so send supplies in until you hear from us!
If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the following second grade teachers:,, 


Opening day is Friday March 15th after-school. 
The fair will continue the following week (half-day week), ending Friday March 22nd at 1:00. Scholastic books are available in English and Spanish and may be purchased with cash, check or credit card.  You can also purchases books online and have them delivered to your student at school by clicking here.  New this year is the eWallet program (available for Scholastic items only).  No longer will you have to write checks or hand cash to your child. Simply add money to your child's virtual wallet.  To create to your child's eWallet click here.  See you at the Book Fair and thank you for supporting our readers!

Here is the march library newsletter.  Find out about the Scholastic books fairs new eWallet option for families. And learn about the award winning app Play and Learn Science.  The newsletter is linked and attached to this email.  Happy Friday!


Save the Date:  
AEA’s K-8 Walk for Water, Friday March 22
This year’s AEA Walk for Water, in recognition of World Water Day, will return to being a K-8 school-wide community service event! K-5 students will join middle school students in raising awareness of the lack of clean water for over seven hundred million people across the globe. Our goal is to raise $4,000 for “Water for Children Africa” a San Diego based 501c3, dedicated to providing clean water to villages in rural parts of Africa.  In addition to helping globally, for students who wish to carry an extra water bottle on the walk, we will be collecting them and donating them to Rachel’s Homeless Shelter downtown. You can support by buying a t-shirt designed by Shana Cutler or an AEA water bottle, each $10.  Sales will be after school on 3/14 and before and after school on 3/15, 3/20, and 3/21, just inside the front gate. Or you can donate here:
Volunteers will be needed on the day of the walk.  Please reach out to your child’s teacher regarding the specifics.
Outer jackets MUST be blue!! 

Long sleeve shirts under polos must be red or white.

winter jackets can be non-uniform.
This means a blue sweatshirt or sweater is NEEDED for your child to wear on the colder days.... 

Student Led conferences
Teacher conferences are NOT required this time around however, if we feel we need to meet with you then we will contact you to set up a conference with us.  If you don't get an invitation to come in from us directly, this conference week is used for your child to show you what they have been learning.
If you would like to meet with us please let us know and we will select a time that works for your schedule. 
to sign up for a student-led conference time

We are interested in hearing about the connections your child is making to his/her learning.... A unit 4 reflection sheet went home last week.  Please fill it out and send it back this week as your child reflects on our Weather unit.


are optional, we find skills such as goal setting and delaying gratification extremely helpful and since we cannot spend more time on this in school. The challenges were created as an optional supplemental activity that most students enjoy.  
In March we are working on delaying gratification. Academic success is proven in children who can delay gratification! Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later reward. 
Examples: working to earn (save for) something that your child really wants; getting a new toy. Or if they get something another example would be waiting until they get home to open it; saving money to buy something more meaningful; making your child aware that they are waiting for a special event later in the day, etc 

Monday- Writing /Math Centers

Tuesday - Music with Frau Claudia & PE
Wednesday - Art with Mrs. Heinzelmann 
Thursday -Music with Frau Claudia
 Walk for Water Assembly 8.30am AND 
Judah the Mime will come to visit from 1-2pm

Einsteins birthday/spirit day
Put on your best “Einstein!” We are recognizing Einstein’s birthday this year by having students dress up like him.  Prizes will be awarded to students wearing the funniest, most like, and most original costumes. Show that Einstein spirit on March 14th!

K-8 Parent University: “Stress and Children” on March 14th, 6-7:30 pm Children, like adults, experience stress. The emotions can come from a variety of sources including maintaining friendships, doing well in school, or managing perceived expectations of others. Some stress can be positive; it provides the drive to tackle a big test or sport event. Too much stress, however, can create bigger problems for the child and their daily functioning.  Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Jennine Estes, will help you learn how to recognize the signs of stress and teach your child healthy ways to deal with it. Jennine is the owner of Estes Therapy and works with parents on fostering a healthy and secure home.
Where: Elementary School Think Tank (3035 Ash Street San Diego 92102)
*Spanish translation provided.
* Pizza provided, so please arrive early.
*Childcare provided. Please indicate the number of children when you rsvp.
Sign up here: Stress & Children


Friday -  BOOK FAIR OPENS after school!
Library (book fair visit- your child will make a wish list and your teachers will as well :-)
Music with Frau Claudia 

Coming up:

AEA Elementary Annual Walk for Water,
March 22rd, 2019

Mon March 25- Fri April 5 - Spring Break
Enjoy the 2 weeks off!

 This is your WEEKLY reminder to check your child's jackets and sweaters for labels,
 Water bottles and Tupperware as well!

 We are out of tissues and still need running club helpers on Tues/Thurs to pass out running sticks....if you are here in the morning, it's a great way to 
feel great by smiling at all the kids feeling so

Unit 5 Week 1 of our new Unit of Inquiry:
How We Express Ourselves.  
We will start off with exploring the different ways that we can communicate without using our voices!
we will look at non-verbal communication, what it means to communicate, and why people communicate without words.

 Our inquiries at a glance:
Weeks 1/2 We will talk about the different emotions and how we can recognize them.  We will talk about different ways we communicate non-verbally.

Weeks 3/4 WE will look at how we recognize body language and emotion in others.

Weeks 5/6 We will rotate with other kinder classes to experience different types of non-verbal communication, ie. music, art, etc...

German word of the week:
 Week 1/2 glücklich (glue-k-lee-ch) happy; traurig (trow-rig) sad

    Week 3/4 risikoberiet (ree-zee-koh-bear-ite) risk taker

        Week 5/6 ich spreche (ich sh-preh-cheh) I speak
Handwriting without Tears
We will practice sentences and labeling
this week.




Learner Profile:   


We could use fresh fruit

Have a great week and get ready,
is almost here!!!

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