Frau Claudia's Music


Sunday, March 3, 2019

How the World Works Unit 4 Week 6

March 4- March 8, 2019

Welcome back to German week!  
This is our 6th and final week of our fourth Unit 
"How the world works"
Related image
"Weather shapes the way communities live"

Look what is just around the corner!!!​
We are excited to announce that we will be offering some very exciting outings that are SURE to make your child's kindergarten experience one of a kind!

Ms E and I will auction off:
1) Make our own Pizza's and Drive-in Movie night! Make your own pizzas and drive-in movie night with Frau Holt and Ms. E. Nothing better than homemade pizza with your favorite toppings! Kids will go to Frau Holt's house and fill their tummies before they head out to the drive-in to see a movie of their choice! Treats in the "super fast Minivan" are a staple as well as pillows and make a comfy space to enjoy the movie! For up to four students.

2) A night at school ---after hours 2:30- 8:00PM :
On June 7, 2019, parents have the opportunity for an afternoon off.  Take some time for yourself or get a group together to have a night out on the town while we will entertain the little ones at school.  
All 6 teachers BONUS!!!!! 
....will be there and we will start off with 6 rotations of pure fun including "make and takes!" Then we will take a dinner break to eat a pizza together before we run around and explore what the school is like when no one is there! This exploration time will be followed by MOVIE NIGHT- WHAT?! wait what?   and a trip to the purple playground to play when the movie is then OLD news?...
PJ's and a toothbrush are all the kids need but can also bring a stuffed animal if they'd like to! 
We will have them ready for bed by the time you get back for pick up!

Theaterfest 2019

This week our KC and KD kids will be performing on Monday @ 10am for the Rasselbande preschool (which you are welcome to come and watch) and on Tuesday at 1.30pm for our AEA students.  Both performances are with both KC and KD so if one time is better for you then pick what works best or come to both!

For the performance we are asking that each student bring a colored tshirt that we will put on just before the performance- ANY COLOR!

Please plan to stay for all the performances, the entire show should be about a 1/2 hour.

With the first third of the year over, the kids have gotten to feel comfortable around German if they are new to the language.  It is now our goal to have the kids speaking as much German as possible...

To help motivate the kids to speak more German we are beginning our "Sprachmeister" program.

The goal is to speak as much German as you can and at the end of the day, the class will reflect on whether they have spoken "a lot" of German or "a little" bit of German.  After a student has gotten 10 days of "a lot" of German- they will have earned a bracelet that says "Sprachmeister!"

Ask your child if they were a "Sprachmeister" today!

Continue to monitor your child for lice. You can also follow 

these directions to check your child out at home.

The common cold is also going around so be sure to wash hands, eat healthy and get rest! 


we STILL need A K-2 Parent Volunteer 
for Morning Running Club on Thursday mornings
·  We need a volunteer to hand out running sticks to K-2nd graders every Thursday morning.

Please fill out this VOLUNTEER FORM if interested.
·  Visit i.Run website for all the details


This is your WEEKLY reminder to label ( NAME- Class) your child's jackets and sweaters!
Outer jackets MUST be BLUE!! ONLY HEAVY winter jackets can be non-uniform.
This means a blue sweatshirt or sweater is NEEDED for your child to wear on the colder days....
2019 Parent Feedback Survey

We only have feedback from a few families, Would you please take a moment to share your thought with us right now?
click here We hope you continue to add comments/ feedback whenever you might have a good idea on how we can do our jobs better!

Yes, no news is good news but if you have any feedback that could help us help parents, we would be grateful to hear it.  
 Frau Holt's Updated classroom wish list 


We need your help! 

KC & KD Needs Science volunteers:
  Apr  25, May 23rd @
8:30am when KC/KD is in German
9:30am when KC/KD is in English

  Every Monday/Thursday from 12-1pm for Math Centers
Every Friday from 9.30-10.30 for Language Arts Centers

I promise it is FUN! 


PLEASE REMEMBER, these challenges are optionalwe find skills such as goal setting and delaying gratification extremely helpful. The challenges were created as an optional supplemental activity that most students enjoy and
more importantly, BENEFIT from. 

In March we will be working on delaying gratification. Academic success is proven in children who can delay gratification! Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and 
wait for a later reward.
Examples: working to earn (save for) something that your child really wants; getting a new toy. Or if they get something another example would be waiting until they get home to open it; saving money to buy something more meaningful; making your child aware that they are waiting for a special event later in the day, etc


10am KC/KD will perform 5 Kleine Fische in the MPR. Please be prepared to stay for the entire performance, it is very distracting if the audience leaves after each piece.
11.45-1pm Math centers (we need a volunteer)

PE & Music with Frau Claudia 
Theaterfest 1.30pm KC/KD in the MPR

Gardening with Ms Shana

 Music with Frau Claudia
11.45-1pm Math Centers

Library, remember your books!
Writing centers 9.30-10.30 (Calling all volunteers!)
4th grade buddies 
*ALL Kindergarten Students will present their final weather presentations, highlighting the weather, clothing, homes, and fun facts.


Coming Up:

Feeding San Diego K-8 AEA 
Community Service Opportunity

Please join us on Saturday, March 9th for a “Food Sorting” volunteer shift from 9AM-11AM, 
 with Feeding San Diego.  We have reserved this time for up to 50 volunteers from AEA, and sign up is first come first serve. This is great opportunity for our community (ages 6 and up) to come together and help those in need.  Please visit this link for sign up details: Feeding San Diego Community Service


Wed Mar 14th- Einstein Spirit Day 
Put on your best “Einstein!” We are recognizing Einstein’s birthday this year by having students dress up like him.  Prizes will be awarded to students wearing the funniest, most like, and most original costumes. Show that Einstein spirit on March 14th!

We will be inviting parents into our classrooms where your child will be the star!  They will show you what they have been learning and in case you have not been able to come until now, they will also show you around our class. 

You will NOT be meeting with the teachers UNLESS 1) we email you directly and request a conference or 2) you email us requesting a conference. 
Everyone will get a progress report sent home that will update you on your child’s academic progress thus far!
We will have minimum days MARCH 18- 22nd, Please sign up KC/KD STUDENT LED CONFERENCE.. SIGN UP FOR A SLOT (MINIMUM DAY) 


Unit 4 Week 6 
 of our new Unit of Inquiry:

Evening Red and Morning Gray.

Two Sure Signs of One Fine Day
(How the world works)

Weather patterns shape the way communities live. 
We will be introduced  in this unit to: 

Weeks 1/2 different types of weather

We will construct a weather 'house' with different types of weather.  We will identify a German city (Berlin) that we will record the weather for during this unit and compare to San Diego.
Main Vocabulary - der Regen (ray-gen) - rain; die Sonne (zon-eh - sun; der Wind (vint) - wind; der Schnee (shnay) - snow

 Weeks 3/4 look at how weather is measured and

 Weeks 5/6 how humans adapt to weather in different parts of the world.

*ALL Kindergarten Students will present their final weather presentations, highlighting the weather, clothing, homes, and fun facts. 

 German word of the week:

  Weeks 1/2 das Wetter (dahs vet-tah) the weather

 Weeks 3/4 messen (mess-en) to measure

Weeks 5/6 die Wetterkarte (dee veh- tair-kart-eh) 
the weather map


This week we will focus on z, labels and sentences. 

This week we will move on to geometry, 
2D and 3D shapes


Learner Profile: 
Inquirer - "I have questions."
This unit, we are practicing how to ask questions that will give us more information about something.



We could use fresh fruit such as pears or cuties, cheese sticks or carrots....
Thank you for helping us take such good care of our 
KC family!

       Wishing everyone a great Week!

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